Ultimate Power #9

Ultimate Power #9 (Marvel – Loeb / Land / Leisten / Ponsor) The final chapter in this lauded limited series finds the two teams—the Ultimates and the Squadron Supreme poised for the cataclysmic climax that will decide the fate of two worlds! And the ending is more than mortal minds can imagine!  We finally have the final issue of this marathon of a mini-series.  Overall this series has been enjoyable and fun to read.  But not unlike other Ultimate titles, this nine-issue series could have easily been six or possibly even four.  Yes we would have had to cut out many dramatic splash pages but it could have been done, especially at the hands of the modern comic bard Jeph Loeb. In this final ish, we see the Hulk taken down by the combined might of the Ultimates and Squadron Supreme… with the final blow by Ben Grimm (very classic).  At the conclusion of the series, the conspiracy of baddies is revealed (Dr. Doom, Emil Burbank and Nick Fury), Princess Power comes to the Ultimate Universe on a diplomatic mission and Nick Fury is left in the custody of Squadron Supreme.  In his final words, Fury claims that if he is taken out of the equation, the safety valve is gone and there are secret things that will go awry and that only he can stop.  Might be the words of a traitor trying to save himself, might be  prophetic words that lead into the March on Ultimatum  event. 🙂  An ever present joy in this series was Greg Land’s art, he continues to show his mad ability to draw both action and dramatic poses.

Issue Grade: B+

Series Grade: B

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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