The All-New Booster Gold #6

The All New- Booster Gold #6 (DC – Johns / Katz / Jergens / Rapmund) “52 Pick-Up” concludes as Booster Gold journeys back in time to save the best friend he ever had – the Blue Beetle! But can Booster stop Maxwell Lord before someone else dies in Ted Kord’s place? And will Ted Kord let that happen? The thing that amazes me most about this book is how six issues into this, it isn’t getting old yet. Usually with some sort of time travel plot device, it gets a tad stale after few issues. And given that the time travel device seemed to be the plot basis for this series, I thought this would be Geoff Johns first major stumble. I have been proved wrong so far. With enough reasonable plot twists and turns to send Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on a chase, Geoff Johns is once again securing his place among the best and most accessible comic book writers of the modern age.  With the help of future temporal technologies (so as to not disturb the time-line) and past and future incarnations of Blue Beetle in tow, Booster makes the move to save his best friend Ted Kord from his death and what was one of the major turning points for Infinite Crisis.  This issue starts a exciting new story arch and continues in, believe it or not, a Hour-Zero tie-in (yup, with Rip Hunter involved we can go back to 1994).  Katz’s art is fantastic as theis book has shown, with a good combination of writer and artist, all of fandom can love the most unlovable character.

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: November 2, 2010 — 11:03 am

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