She-Hulk #25

She-Hulk #25 (Marvel – David / Moll / Melo / Semeiks / Olazaba) In a double-sized anniversary issue, an intergalactic bounty hunter has chased a highly prized Alien fugitive to Earth – and She-Hulk and her new partner are caught in the crossfire! Plus, why exactly did Jen Walters leave the superhero life behind? Also, two extra special backups featuring the rise of malevolent Man-Elephant and the Jade Giantess visits the Marvel offices!  I knew in a week where Countdown and Ultimate Fantastic Four were both great, that the cosmic comic scale must balance out and She-Hulk, which is one of my favorites, definitely was not up to par.  You can sum up the main chunk of this month’s issue with the statement… Jen has gone emo.  She is still bummed about losing Bran, a new romantic interest / nemesis who blew up a neighborhood bar and is trying to rationalize being a bounty hunter and not a “hero”.  Jen and her partner Jazinda, a bounty hunter skrull, go back and forth about the pros and cons of being altruistic and while with great power comes great responsibility… who is that responsibility to?  In She-Hulk’s present emotional state, she figures it’s time to be responsible to herself because she is tired of being the good guy and coming in last.  While the two leads are hashing this out, they encounter a Badoon hunting down an evil prince from Chize (if you know these references, you should be editing Marvel Wiki :)).  Unfortunately, the interaction between Jen, Jaz and the two aliens all come off melodramatic and flat.  In all honesty, in the effort to make Jennifer brooding and down-trodden, all that is accomplished is that she is pretty unlikable in this issue. 

There is also a 6-page story on the origin of the Man-Elephant (not nearly as cool as it sounds…. you take a gauge on that).  The only high spot in this month’s issue is yet another short in the back of the book where Jen busts into Marvel studios demanding that they treat her character with some more respect (Almost a John Byrne send-up if he wasn’t insulted by name in it).  Peter David nails this with details that are quite funny to the long time fan of She-Hulk.  Also included is an updated Official Marvel entry on She-Hulk.

Grade: C  (you might expect more out of a double-sized anniversary issue)

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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