Quesada joins Colbert, possibly dissing WGA

On Jan 29, Joe Quesada (Marvel’s Editor-in-chief and resident big dog) will be a guest on the Colbert Report airing 10:30 pm Central on Comedy Central.

From Marvel.com – “Colbert can’t seem to get enough of our very own Joe Q. During his previous appearance on the show (July 27, 2006), Quesada shocked Colbert with the news that Captain America would not support the U.S. government in the super hero Civil War. What’s on the agenda for the powerhouse duo this time around? Is it the “Iron Man” movie? The new Captain America (debuting in next week’s CAPTAIN AMERICA #34)? The death of bears in Marvel comics? It’s anyone’s guess at this point, but we’re hopeful Colbert & Quesada will get to the bottom of at least one question: Was Colbert’s bid for the White House some sort of Skrully conspiracy or simply an unfortunate failed attempt at bringing truthiness back to the Presidency?

I guess my big question is, we know that the late night talk shows have tried to get back to business in spite of the writer’s strike… but does this mean by his appearance on the show that Joe Q (speaking on behalf of Marvel Comics) is not in support of the writer’s strike. This may be a slap in the face for a number of excellent mainstream and not-so-mainstream comic book writers who have offered their strong support and voices to the WGA.

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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