Punisher War Journal #15

Punisher War Journal #15 (Marvel – Fraction / Wegener / Blanchard) “HUNTER / HUNTED” comes to its jaw-breaking conclusion as the Punisher faces off against the all-new Kraven the Hunter. As the Hunter’s menagerie ship bursts and burns in the New York Harbor, Frank has to fight his way tooth and nail to daylight as Kraven kills his way towards Frank… and in-between the two of them stands the Hunter’s menagerie run rampant, out for blood, out of their minds, and looking to even the score. And who is the last piece of G.W. Bridge’s puzzle? All hell breaks loose in the issue that re-defines “savagery.” For those who need the recap, Kraven’s son, the New Hunter has shown up, he has the mutant ability to control animals and on top of that has his father’s potion for super strength and has magic / technology that allows him to teleport… and he feels the need to prove to his father’s legacy that he is the best hunter there ever was. This means having the Punished head on his mantle, he keep referring to Frank as “Little Monkey, reminded me of El Seed from the Tick. The New Hunter has captured every animal-based villain he could find (looks like a Spider-man reunion), put them all on a sinking ship and has drugged them all into bloodlust and Marvel’s favorite anti-hero is in the middle of it. The Punisher always seems to be having bad days, doesn’t he? Scott Wegener’s art has a cartoony style to it which adds speed to the current of the story, but is distracting at times. Matt Fraction continues to prove is as an up and coming star with his ability to mix drama, action and comedy into a great plot.

Issue Grade: B

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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