Proof #3

Proof #3 (Image – Grecian / Rossmo / Jenkins) When he sees what’s in El Chupacabra’s cave, will it be enough to push Proof over the edge? Meanwhile, Ginger investigates the growing mystery behind the missing hikers and Sheriff Elvis Chestnut loiters outside the women’s restroom. As if that weren’t enough, The Dover Demon hosts a special preview of upcoming events and highlights from Proof’s life.  The first two issues of this series hit the newsstands with a whisper, but rocked the fun and suspense like a great episode of the X-Files.  The third issue lives up to and surpasses the first two.  Alex Grecian masterfully lays out the investigation of Ginger and Proof while they track a creature that skins and wears human hides, while they are still feeling each other out and trying to make their forced partnership work.  This is a great genre cross-over book.  Grecian’s ability to make the details connect and make the story flow, ring well with both the adventure and horror reader.  Between the multiple layers of story-telling devices (flashbacks, newspaper clippings, side stories), the well-done and perfectly fitted sketchy shaded art of Riley Rossmo, and the exemplar hues and tones from Tyler Jenkins, Proof is far and away the best book you aren’t getting.  A year from now you will be picking up the trades and wishing you had gotten it when it first came out.

Issue Grade: A+

Series Grade: A

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Updated: January 3, 2008 — 10:15 am

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