Pogrom #1

Pogrom (Hypergraphia comics – Tomao / Medors / Ruffs / Templesmith) – Back in August, after Wizard World Chicago in my write up on “A Fistful of Horror”, I got to tell you about this great horror / supernatural / suspense book coming out called Pogrom… Well, it is finally being published and is available to order through Diamond (under Devil’s Due), the Hypergraphia website or through your local comic book shop (the later is preferred!)

Here is my original review: As of this review, I have only seen the WWC exclusive preview, but Pogrom looks like a book to watch. Pogrom is a dark future story, where a twisted theocracy has a terror grip on the world and a specter-like monster is society’s only hope. Throw in the living Avatars of the deadly sins, war priests and pretty decent art… and Pogrom is a book you should look into. Look for them here Story: A Art: A-

A few months later, I still feel the same way, if you are a hardcore horror fan, this is definitely a book you should check out!

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Updated: January 5, 2008 — 1:38 pm

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