Marvel Comics Presents #5

Marvel Comics Presents #5 (Marvel – Various)Take a trip to the SAVAGE LAND as Ka-Zar, Shanna, and Zabu defend their home against dinosaurs, mutates, mercenaries, and corporate goons in flying boats! This all-new serial begins right here! Plus: last time we saw the WRECKING CREW, they were being thrown in prison by OMEGA FLIGHT. Find out how the boys are adjusting to life behind bars… All that, PLUS the continuing adventures of Guardian in WEAPON OMEGA, and the murder of a man with no identity leads Stacy Dolan into the world of masked men and power-hungry monsters in VANGUARD! As it almost always is with a anthology series, you take the good with the bad.  But for the first time, Vanguard is not the best story in the book.  This month’s Vanguard episode, did fit the filler category but did introduce the concept that there are other supers  (including Blade) getting into Stacy’s way.  The best story was the Ka-Zar, as he and Shanna defend against the evil forces of Roxxon Corp.  The Weapon Omega piece shows us just what a jerk U.S. Agent can be and how psychologically messed up the new Guardian is.  This week’s throw-away story was thew Wrecking Crew and how they escaped from prison.  It is interesting how three of the four stories are “Alpha Flight” centric.  While some of the tales in MCP have been good, and this does afford Marvel the chance to showcase some lesser known talent, I don’t expect this to last past issue #12.

Issue Grade: B-

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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