Fantastic Four News!

So, first off we have the new FF creative team of Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch coming (not necessarily new news at all) – the folks who put together the Ultimates and Ultimates 2. In #544, they will be replacing the current creative team led by Dwayne McDuffie. McDuffie and his co-creators have magnificently brought adventure and glory back to Marvel’s First Family… horrible timing on Marvel’s part.  Not that the Millar / Hitch team will be bad, they are both incredibly talented and have shown that they create groundbreaking books but the current team is doing such an outstanding job.  Millar will be kicking off a year-long story arch titled “World’s Greatest” that promises to take the book in a fresh direction while staying true to the FF characters.  There will be the introduction of Mrs. Fantastic (Reed Richards first love), Sue will be starting her own super-team and Dr. Doom has hatched a new scheme.  Also Issue #544 will have a two variants: one by Simone Bianchi (pictured to left) and a zombie cover done by the undead king artist himself Arther Suydam.   I have loved the FF since I was 12, even through all the crappy storyline in the 90’s, I have only recentl been able to let my FF freak flag fly… please Mark, don’t pull a “One More Day”.

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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