Captain Marvel #2

Captain Marvel # 2 (Marvel – Reed / Weeks) Here is what Marvel says about Captain Marvel #2 Captain Marvel is back, and everyone on Earth wants a piece of him. Ms. Marvel wants him in the Avengers. Iron Man wants him to hide away in safety. And the Church of Hala wants him as their messiah. Brian Reed (NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI) and Lee Weeks (DAREDEVIL) continue the year’s most stunning mini-series! Have you ever watched a movie preview and after you saw the film realized that the preview gave everything away? That’s kinda the case here. What Marvel put in their write-up is absolutely true. In fact, that is just about all that happens in the book. Sure there is a short fight with Cobalt Man and Mar-Vell confesses he had feelings for Carol Danvers, but nothing too new going on here. The dialogs and art are very solid, but the overall storytelling was just “meh”. At least we got a cliff hanger ending.

Grade: C+

Series Grade: B-

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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