Batman #672

Batman #672 (DC – Morrison / Daniel / Glapion)The Gotham Police HQ is taken over by the mysterious Third Batman who begins to kill cops, working his way towards Jim Gordon as he tells his tale and waits for his prize: the life of the Dark Knight, in exchange for the lives of the precinct cops. What dark secret from Batman’s past lies behind the creation of the Impostor Batmen? Guest starring Bat-Mite! Okay, I know this is a week late, but in the Holiday festivities, this one fell between the cracks. The Morrison run on Batman will be talked about in the same reverent tones that Frank Miller’s Daredevil is. While #672 seems more like as a set up for the next few issues, it is still riveting. DC does a great job of summary, the Third Batman opens the story by terrorizing the GCPD Headquarters and then taking down Batman. This is all leading to in the next run where Batman captured and between torture / delirium, the bat-readers getting a more detailed back story in the history of Bruce Wayne, via Morrison’s compelling narrative. Tony Daniel still does an incredible job of being able to lay out a scene, being able to balance the feel of a long shot and the details of a close up. Batman as a series is moving at break-neck speed and this whole run will be much needed trades. And everything is throw on it’s ear as we get a cameo view of Bat-Mite… really Mr. Morrison, Bat-Mite? Should prove more than interesting… and it certainly beats the crap out of having Mephisto show up and undo years of storyline… but I digress.

Issue Grade: B+

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Updated: January 17, 2008 — 1:27 pm

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