She-Hulk #24 (Marvel – David / Moll / Olazaba) – From Marvel Want to know what’s up with She-Hulk? This is the issue to find out: Visit her new home. Meet her new neighbors. Say hello to her new boss. And share her first encounter with the man who may become her new love interest…or her greatest enemy…or possibly both. This was the “catch up with Jennifer and get most of the fine details” issue. Being the fine story-teller Peter David is, he didn’t want to go too long without giving the readers some of the fine details. Jennifer has now brought back bail jumper Rocky Davis, with only a nominal amount of collateral damage and is not necessarily the most loved bounty hunter working for Freeman Bonding. We formally meet Jazinda, the skrull in disguise that is Jenn’s new partner and we get just a glimpse into Jazinda’s backstory (you can’t tell me this won’t play into Secret Invasion). Jennifer is now living at Dona Little’s trailer park, is the life of the neighborhood and is now a motorcycle enthusiast. And Shulkie’s new antagonist who only introduced himself as Raisin Bran, seems to blow things up in that “pipe-bomb-terrorist” sort of way. While Peter David fleshes out his story, Shawn Moll continues his great run of being able to pencil everyone’s favorite green hottie. This fantastic creative team is taking the She-Hulk series out of the off-beat, almost independent, comedy category and moving her right back into the heart of the in-continuity Marvel Universe. If you think about, She-Hulk has been a member of the Avengers, Fantastic Four and has been a mainstay character for years, it will be interesting to see if she can fully integrate back in. The cover by Mike Deodato and Rainer Beredo is a send up to the classic Hulk cover.
Grade: B+