Exiles #100

Exiles #100 (Marvel – Claremont / Grummett / Hanna / Quintana) Adios, Exiles! They’ve left their footprints across the multiverse for a hundred issues, but what threat will make Blink and Co. close up shop for good? It’s not what you expect! And what’s this we hear about an all NEW EXILES. So here we are at the end of what has been, in my opinion, on of the best X-books ever. What made this series so incredible, was the vastness that a time-traveling parallel world jumping book can do! Looking back on the last 99 issues, Countdown certainly could take a lesson or two. This is the one X-book that you could be fans of the non-mutant Marvel characters and see them pop up often. This is also the one X-book that you didn’t need to be the master of X-trivia minutia to follow :). Modern day legend Chris Claremont and Exile writing partner Tom Grummett give fairly good closure on Blink, Nocturn and Thunderbird. And for the rest of the team, we are set up and ready for Exiles: Days of Then and Now! The only bummer to this “Giant-Sized” final issue was that they reprint Exiles number one for you, which is half of the Giant-sized-ness. If you have never picked this up, well worth your time getting those trades… no offense to all of our friends who sell new comic merchandise, but you can find Exiles trades at most cons, bargain bins and online auctions for half price or less. Well worth your time and money!

Issue Grade: B+

Series Grade: A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:10 pm

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