Cease and Desist from G4!

While I would have hoped our first Cease and Desist would have been for something else…

Given my experience working with G4’s PostShow has been wonderful… and all involved and everyone I have interacted with have been friendly, polite and professional.  The least of all… Steve Norman, one of the producers.  G4 has asked Heroestv to take down all footage from the show.  Not sure why… we haven’t been promoting it as “ours” and it has done nothing but get a whole bunch of people who might not have watched G4, let alone heard of G4… my students, non-geek friends, extended family, etc. to a part of G4’s watching audience.

Ah well…

we are still rocking upward and outward!

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Updated: December 13, 2007 — 11:00 pm

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