Madame Mirage #3

Madame Mirage #3 (Top Cow – Dini / Rocafort) – Top Cow’s blurb – “A locked room, two deadly adversaries, and one loaded gun between them. Madame Mirage finds herself in a life or death duel with ASI’s most skilled assassin, and the only way out is for one to kill the other. While the fatal drama unfolds, shocking secrets are revealed about our heroine’s past, radically changing the direction of the series and everything you think you know about the mysterious Mirage.” Issue 3 is the Origin issue of Madame Mirage. So far, the first two issues have compelled to reader to come along on Paul Dini’s narrative of a hardcore Femme Fatale who seems to have endless super powers. And now Mr. Dini has given us the payoff, letting us know where the purpose and face is behind Mirage. We see that the revenge theme that has haunted this book is much deeper and focused than the reader might have thought. As is the norm with Dini, the story is wonderfully paced, but having enough details that makes you stop, re-read and look around. Kenneth Rocafort’s very stylistic, long slender lines that sometimes go beyond the borders of the object are a great companion to this marriage of science fiction, super-heroes and detective story.

Grade: A

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Updated: November 2, 2007 — 1:13 pm

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