Justice Soicety of America #10 (DC – Johns / Ross / Eaglesham / Jose) – Continuing the “Thy Kingdom Come” storyline, Geoff Johns has now officially let readers know that the Kingdom Come Earth is one of the 52 (this has been known, but has not been seen in a book before) and how the crossing over of their Superman plays into the classic KC storyline. Most fanboys and girls are happy to learn that Alex Ross was in on this, helped write and direct this storyline… and that we don’t have someone re-telling Kingdom Come (even though if someone was going to mess with a legendary story – Geoff Johns is on the shortlist). This issue takes us inside the head of KC Superman, his desperation and fears and how knowing that the Justice Society exists somewhere gives him hope. In doing so, Johns lays out again the importance of the JSA to the DC Universe, not as a strong arm (the JLA) but as a guiding conscience. Dale Eaglesham’s pencils are a fantastic companion to this great story. The only issue with issue #10 is that it seemed to go to quickly… one of those “what? I’m at the last page already?” type situations.
Grade: A
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