Grimm Fairy Tales: Return to Wonderland #4

Grimm Fairy Tales: Return to Wonderland #4 (Zenescope – Gregory / Leister / Ruffino) – Zenescope’s summary – “The journey into the dark world of Wonderland continues here. Carroll, Alice’s teenage daughter, ventures deeper and deeper in the world of Wonderland and enters the malicious kingdom of the Queen of Hearts. But the Queen of Hearts is far from the worse of her troubles. For somewhere in the jungles of Wonderland a creatures stalks and waits for its moment to strike. That creature is the Cheshire Cat.” This is one wild and dark book. Being a fan of the original stories, it’s always a good time to watch other writers take a shot at the original Wonderland cast. Especially when they take the context out of the “children’s story” arena. And while I can put this book in quite a few good categories… children’s story is not one of them :). Raven Gregory continues to take all the players in wonderland and move them into a gothic, twenty first century tale filled with truly dark evil, sexual overtones and some pretty graphic violence. It is designed as a edge-of-your-seat thriller-horror story, coming in with any other expectations and you might be overwhelmed. Once you have that understanding, reading Gregory’s Wonderland is like going through a really well done haunted house… you will jump, be startled, possibly have to avert your gaze… but you can’t wait to turn the next corner. In this issue, Carrol meets the Queen of Hearts, the Cheshire Cat wants a bite and Alice starts to wake up.
The artwork is fantastic! Crisp and clear with creative coloring, being solid without giving the sense of solid footing… matching the fantasy story like a glove. The only thing I can bring up about the art that’s negative is the pin-up style given to the form of our main character who is a teenage girl. There has always been a welcome “cheesecake ” feel to the Grimm books, but given that the main character here is supposed to be sixteen… not sure if it is fits.

When it comes out, this will be an incredible trade to have. Pullbox Warning: In case you haven’t been following along, this book has sexual overtones, sexual situations and pretty graphic violence… it’s a great book… just not for your twelve year old.

Grade: A-

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Updated: November 13, 2007 — 11:17 am

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