Buffy: Season 8 #8

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8: #8 (Dark Horse -Vaughan / Jeanty)

Dark Horse Comics website quickie thesis says, “Faith hits the ground running after she infiltrates the estate of a rogue Slayer, that is until Buffy pops in and is confronted by her longtime nemesis. Certainly, chaos ensues.” Chaos doesn’t just ensue, it smacks you in the face until the last panel.

I was a tad bit nervous with Brian K. Vaughan taking over the book. I know he’s a great writer, but this is Buffy: The Vampire Slayer we’re talking about, and nobody writes Buffy and the Scoobs better than Joss Whedon. I’m happy to report that Mr. Vaughan is more than up to the task. We’re three issues into his story arc and I can’t wait to get to the next issue. He’s crafted a compelling story that fit into the Buffyverse without missing a beat. While reading the text on the page, I can hear the actors in my head…to me that means the job is getting done right.

Grade: A

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Updated: November 13, 2007 — 11:43 pm

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