The Pro trade paperback

The Pro ( Image – Ennis / Conner) – There are times in a person’s life when they just want a good silly off the wall sex comedy. This is proven by box office ticket sales time and time again. Well, I was standing in front of the comic rack and saw The Pro trade paperback and I decided it was one of those times. The story is simple, The Pro is the world’s first superhero prostitute. Need I go on?

Originally published in prestige format back in 2002, THE PRO was subsequently published in an oversized hardcover, both of which went out of print until the recent softcover repackaging, which I read. Reprints of the single issues are coming soon, according to Image

“THE PRO helped put a spotlight on Amanda and was the first time I was really cut loose on superheroes,” said series writer Garth Ennis. “We’re not entirely surprised by the continued interest in the book given where our careers have taken us since.”
It’s raunchy, funny, and you’ll read it in one sitting.

Grade: A

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Updated: November 14, 2007 — 12:07 am

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