She-Hulk #22

She-Hulk #22 (Marvel – David / Moll / Olazaba) – Let’s be honest, following Dan Slott on his figurehead series would be really tough.  But let’s be honest… he’s Peter David.  There are only a handful of people who could pick up the series and run with it in a positive direction and the fantastic Mr. David is one of them.  Peter David is one of the modern story masters as it relates to the Incredible Hulk… so why not have him join the ranks of Byrne and Slott as someone who can bring Jennifer to the peak of her character (ok guys, stop booing John Byrne!).  The “Jaded” storyline opens up with Jenn as a bounty hunter bringing in D-list villains who have jumped bail.  The “David-esque” story takes it’s turn as we see Jennifer and She-Hulk side by side and that somehow Jennifer can function well with a completely broken neck.  It makes me wish #23 was here already.  Shawn Moll brings the same high level of competence in the art of She-Hulk as he did to the Outsiders.  If you haven’t been reading She-Hulk (first, shame on you), but this is a great jumping on point.  Well worth the cover price!

Grade: A

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Updated: December 6, 2010 — 10:09 pm

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