Marvel Comic Presents #2 (Marvel – Various) – There isn’t much I can say about anthology series, except that they are anthology series. Let’s go with the play by play of all four stories within this issue. First we have Vanguard, in my opinion clearly the best of the series. Stacy Dolan, NYPD, is trying to solve a murder case of a John Doe… a few issues, the only suspect seen at the crime is the Watcher and even Reed Richards can’t identify the body. This is wonderfully told and gritty art adds to the feel of the story. Kudos to Marc Guggenheim, Dave Wilkins and the rest of the Vanguard crew. Next, we have Patsy Walker – Hellcat. I have a fond memory of Patsy from back in the day when I collected Defenders. I hate it when memories turn to crap. This storyline has Patsy opening a magical book and being caught in a world with multiple versions of herself fighting over the same guy… all I need is for Jimmy Olsen to show up for my intolerance of the inconsequential to be complete. Third in the book is a one shot story of Taskmaster and his ability to break into the SHIELD headquarters. Khoi Pham has some interesting visuals highlighting Taskmaster’s powers… but outside of that, this is filler. Then we come to the Weapon Omega story. Being an uber-geek and being an Alpha Flight fan, I look forward to seeing how Alpha Flight, errr, I guess Omega Flight will fit into the new Marvel Universe. In this ish we get a little bit more back story on Weapon Omega, but not much more… Good art but the story doesn’t go anywhere.
Grade: B
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