H1ghwaymen #5

H1ghwaymen #5 (Wildstorm – Bernardin / Freeman / Garbett) –  “Two men, one shoots, one drives. thirty years of bad blood between them… and called back into service”, this intro hooked me in the first issue and my attention hasn’t swayed yet.  We follow our two couriers as they try keep Grace Anderson, their newest package, safe from the badguys who want to start a very nasty World War Three (and this the one without Black Adam).  The writing combination of Marc Bernardin and Adam Freeman will have me buying whatever their next project is… and the project after that too.  The H1ghwaymen package is the perfect combination of action, character development, dialogue and perhaps a little of drama to pinch your conscience.  Wrap into that the fantastic art of Lee Garbett, who is able to keep you visually on the edge of your seat, and the only negative about H1ghwaymen #5 is that it is the end of the mini.  Wildstorm, please bring us more H1ghwaymen… this is possibly the most underrated and overlooked mini series of the year!  Watch for the trade!

Grade: A+

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Updated: October 30, 2007 — 10:24 pm

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