Green Lantern #24: The Sinestro Corps. War pt. 8

Green Lantern #24: The Sinestro Corps. War pt. 8 (DC – Johns / Reis) Oh Hell Yeah!!! There is just a great feeling when you see your hero(es) get ready to make their final stand. We’ve seen it at Helm’s Deep, we’ve seen it at the Battle of Endor, and now we see it in Green Lantern. This is the issue where Kyle Rayner rids himself of the yellow scourge that is Parallax and the army of the Green Lantern Corps. unite with some of their greatest officers. Of course, I’m speaking of John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Hal Jordan. That’s not to say that Sinestro hasn’t made his move. All of the Sinestro Corps.’ pieces are in place and the final game is about to start.

I also wanted to make a special note of the art by Ivan Reis and the art team. We all know the Geoff Johns can pretty much write circles around anybody, but I feel that it’s really the art that made this particular issue as big as it is. We see the scale of two armies going to war and just how screwed Earth will be if the Green Lantern Corps’ loses. In addition of Reis’s pencils are Oclair Albert & Julio Ferreira on inks and Moose Baumann. When working on a book where the good and bad guys are using light based weapons, I would guess the inks are colors are a bit tougher to pull off. These guys pull it off with awesome talent, which they have in spades.

Grade: A++

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Updated: October 14, 2007 — 9:37 pm

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