Every year I look forward to the Wizard World convention in Chicago, and I was not disappointed this time! Wizard world gave everything it promised and more! Great guests… Artist Alley… fantastic panels… and always friendly and fun! Heroestv.com and Thepullbox.com would like to thanks all of the Wizard Staff, associates and volunteers that kept a very complex convention running smoothly. A special Thank you goes out to Drew Seldin for being all things to all people at all times!
We stayed at the Hyatt at O’Hare, which turned out to have some issues when the onslaught of Wizard fans and Stitches ’07 (a knitting convention – nope, not making it up) descended upon them and they didn’t have the right number of right type of rooms. But at the end the folks at the Hyatt made it right (at least your favs at Heroestv.com). This time, Jotham and myself were joined by our favorite tech guru / male model simply known as Sam (if there are any ladies in the SE Wisconsin area… he is available)
We will updating soon with pics, video interviews, narratives, news and updates from the major and minor companies, reviews of all the independent talent we met and just generally sharing the fun and hoping you will take advantage of the next Wizard World convention near you…
DC was there in force… watch for our interview with Jan Jones!
the whole family gets into it!
SB fills in for industry legend Buzz
more to come soon!
Up first for me will be my coverage of the IFL seminar that I attended. Yep, I got my tukus haded to me for two hours and get to tell the story.