
Headlocked – (Kingston / Randy Valiente)

The Markosia Enterprises webpage describes Headlocked as “a dramatic series based on the world of professional wrestling. The series focuses on Mike Hartmann, a skinny theater major and his unlikely journey to become a pro wrestler. “Basically he gets dragged to a WWE-style wrestling match and he gets caught up in the show,” explains series creator Michael Kingston. “A lot of wrestlers start out as fans. At some point they’ve all had that moment where they see something amazing in the ring and in their head they say, “I want to do this”. Well that happens to Hartmann in a big way.

As a first run at comics this isn’t bad. Kingston does a nice job of conveying the Mike Hartmann’s, main character, inspiration and awe at seeing a professional wrestling match. Mike Hartmann, and I have a feeling Michael Kingston, see professional wrestling as being full of drama, emotion, passion, and some of the most captivating stories a person can get. The writing shows real love for the “sport” and an understanding that a person does not simply waltz into the world of sports entertainment.

The art was not the best in artist alley, but it certainly wasn’t the worst. The framing and scenes were well structured, but I expected the characters to have body types like I would see in the WWE. I know it would be hard to do that without being cartoony, but there’s got to be a way.

Overall I felt that Headlocked was a big “meh” to me. It’s very possible that my lack of enthusiasm is heightened by the fact that I find professional wrestling completely absurd. Especially when I can watch any number of IFL or UFC fighters who throw down for real. Taking my bias out of it, Kingston and Valiente are still going to need to up their game to get my hard earned cash.

Grade: C

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Updated: August 17, 2007 — 5:55 pm

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