Annihilation Conquest: Wraith#2 and Quasar#2

Annihilation: Conquest Wraith #2 (Marvel – Grillo-Marxuach / Hotz)

Story: If you remember back to my review of Wraith I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t find out who the heck Wraith is. That is remedied in this issue. We open the issue techno-organic race known as the Phalanx has overrun all the Kree empire and has Kree leader, Ronin, under its power. We also get to see some other major characters like the Super-Skrull under the control of the Phalanx. After a few brief scenes, Ronin comes in and kicks the crap out of Wraith as an interrogation tactic. You see, Wraith did something to the Phalanx that they had never experienced before, they felt fear. Yep, the Phalanx are scared to death of Wraith and it not hard to see why. At one point he’s impaled on a spike and he tears himself off to continue the fight. COOL! After that fight we get a flashback scene of just who and what Wraith is. And you know what, the Phalanx should be scared. Art: Not much to speak of here. It’s not bad, but nothing really jumps out at me as having that special quality that make it memorable. Bottom line is that it gets the job done. It doesn’t distract me from the overall story and Hotz shows promise that after a few years could be great.

Grade B

Annihilation: Conquest Quasar #2 (Marvel – Gage /Lilly)
Story: This issue opens up with Quasar and Moondragon fighting a giant Brood queen in space. Yep, Brood queen. Marvel is trying their best to bring the Brood back as a major player in the Marvel U (see World War Hulk for more), but this particular Brood only makes it to page 5. So Quasar and Moondragon are on the run from a Phalanx army, lead by the Super-Adaptoid, and are also looking for the “Savior of the Kree” (Mar-Vell?). We are let in on the flaws of our characters in the beginning of the book told thought flashback and dialog. Both Quasar and Moondragon will lose control of they get too emotional and Quasar’s quantum bands are losing their charge. The end of the issue we see our heroes squaring off against the Super-Adaptoid and his soliders, and they are not doing well.

Art: Kinda the same story as Wraith. The art is nothing too special, but I can see moments of greatness, like the fight with Super-Adaptoid. Lilly was successful in conveying the story, I’m just not going to be calling up my friends and telling them how great the art is. Maybe some day, but not today.

Grade: B

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Updated: August 24, 2007 — 5:24 pm

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