Wizard World Press Release


Special Guest Tricia Helfer From Battlestar Galactica

Michael Madsen From Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill & Sin City

Congers, NY (July 19, 2007) – Wizard World returns to the Windy City August 9-12 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont where over 60,000 fans are expected to visit the three and a half day family-friendly to explore comic books, toys, anime, movies, manga and video games, and meet some of the biggest stars in comics, film and television.

Wizard World Chicago will give fans the chance to meet and interact with entertainment and comic industry luminaries, including: Actress Tricia Helfer (Battlestar Galactica); Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics Joe Quesada; DC Comics Executive Editor Dan Didio; Aspen Comics Founder Michael Turner; Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs,
Kill Bill 1 & 2, Sin City) and more to be announced.

Autograph signings: actor Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk); actress Noel Neill (The Adventures of Superman); Bobby “The Brain” Heenan (WWE Wrestling Legend), Ted “The Million Dollar Man” BiBiase and Virgil (WWE Wrestling Legends) Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica); Suicide Girls; Dazza, among others.

“Wizard World Chicago, will be our biggest con of the year without a doubt,” said VP and Associate Publisher, Rob Felton. “Our amazing guest list and schedule of events, has the potential to make this year’s event the best we have ever put together.”

The Wizard Fan Awards, the only awards show decided by the fans of comic books and all of pop culture will be held Friday night August 10 Go online to www.wizardworld.com, vote and join the biggest names in comics, from Joe Quesada to Mark Millar, to find out who takes home your top honors!

Many notable comic book artists, writers and creators, including: Sal Abbinanti (Atomika Artist); Jeff Balke (Foxwood Falcons Colorist); Joe Benitez (Top Cow & Detective Comics Artist); Mitch Breitweiser (Captain America: The Chosen Artist); Jim Calafiore (DC’s Countdown Artist); John Cassaday (Astonishing X-Men Artist); DJ Coffman (Artist/Writer Hero By Night); Tony Daniel (Flash Artist); Patrick Gleason (Green Lantern Recorps Artist); Paul Jenkins (World War Hulk Writer); Alex Maleev (Daredevil: End of Days Artist); Mark Millar (Civil War & Ultimates Writer); John Russo (Writer Escape of the Living Dead Co-Writer Night Of The Living Dead film); Matthew Tow (Foxwood Falcons, Impossible Tales Artist); Matt Wagner (Grendel & Mage Creator, Batman Artist/Writer); among others.

In addition to the stars of comic books, television and films, almost 800 exhibitors will be on hand to showcase their latest products to an eager audience of comic and pop-culture fans of all ages.

For a complete list of events, guests, activities, ticket prices and times go to www.wizardworld.com.

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Updated: July 19, 2007 — 10:39 pm

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