Finally! Death Walks the Streets Again!

Death Walks The Streets #1 (The Scream Factory – Zahn / Brezinski / Balbi / Parvanov)

It’s Halloween in New Marshall, and for one night of the year, ancient evil takes flight and goes largely unnoticed. While Michael, Malcolm, and Danielle are called upon to oversee an event at the Vetala Theatre, the organization is thrown into an uproar as Dominick begins making local plans that could have global consequences.

Meanwhile, Palmer informs Michael of a potentially dangerous political issue; The Old Man begins a search for something that shouldn’t be found; a supernatural murder/suicide takes place; and things get more than a little violent…

After almost two years of dead time, The Scream Factory makes a triumphant return with a relaunch of Death Walks the Streets.  This phenomenal series is still stretching the horror genre and is sure to find a fan in almost any adult reader.

Like the tagline says they are all here… Vampires, Demons, Zombies, Werewolves, The Mob

DWTS is not your typical horror / slasher story, so leave your stereotypes at the comic book shop door.

New Marshall is a city that is at a turning point from becoming a city to becoming a metropolis, industry and big business is moving in and opportunity is through the roof.  With this kind of growth, the connection between politics and crime is almost a given and the local board member might also well be a family patriarch.  This is where DWTS might remind someone of a well-written gritty crime drama… bosses trying to outdo one another for territory, lieutenants trying to shine, merchandise to move and lessons to learn if you scam the wrong guy.  And perhaps some protagonists that are wondering how to get out of the lifestyle, if they wanted to.

If it was just this, the writing team would still have a gem worthy of the cover price.  But, you take the dark mob story and you mix in the fact that one of the bosses looking to take over the city is Abaddon (Demon lord?) and you have a story that will excite anyone who is fan of a story filled with action, crime drama, supernatural, suspense or horror.  And let’s be honest, if you aren’t a fan of at least one of those, you probably stopped reading this at the title of the issue. 🙂

The plot is proficiently laid out in a very nice “slow burn” methodology.  Everything about the visual end of the book is beautiful and well-constructed, taking a look at the work done on #0, I can see real growth in the artistic team.  This is smart horror at it’s finest and I stand firm on my statement tghat what is coming out of The Scream Factory will help usher in a new “Golden Age” of horror comics!

Bottom Line:  Grab this up and get in line for #2 coming soon!

Issue Grade: A

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Updated: July 27, 2010 — 2:09 pm

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