Samuel L. Jackson Enters “Cold Space”

Cold Space #1 ( Boom! Studios / Samuel L. Jackson / Eric Calderon / Jeremy Rock ) has this description of Sam Jackson’s foray into comics, “The series finds an outlaw named Mulberry—“played by” Jackson—stranded on a planet torn by civil war. But rather than pick sides, Mulberry looks to turn the situation to his advantage and profits from the chaos. In CBR’s previous interview with co-writer Eric Calderon, Jackson’s “Cold Space” and “Afro Samurai” collaborator said that, “Mulberry is just a runaway criminal who doesn’t feel like getting taken in by the Galactic police and wants to keep making a buck so he can have some fun and have some cool stuff. When he crash lands on a ghetto space mining moon, he finds that the one small town that exists has two warring entrepreneurs and a third freelance scavenger gang on motorcycle.”

First I have to say that I liked this new comic from Boom! Studios.  They continue to put out some of the best indy books in the comic business. Secondly, I feel like this is something I’ve seen before.

It’s with mixed feelings that I make my second statement. Especially since I just gave a lecture to an English class that there are no new stories, that they all fit into the seven plot types.  But as I was reading Cold Space, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I was watching Chronicles of Riddick. The movie starts with Riddick on an ice planet running from mercenaries.  He continues to take out the mercs one by one until he finally steals their ship to go off world to find himself in the middle of a war.  Much like in Cold Space, where Mulberry dispenses the space cops with Riddick like flare, when his ship crash lands in the middle of a war that’s not his.

All similarities aside, it’s not a bad book.  We don’t get much in the way on plot, more of an action filled start to a story. The art is very solid and the dialog is what I would consider adequate. Not the best showing for a first issue, but certainly something I’ll look for in a month.

Grade: B-

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Updated: April 21, 2010 — 7:10 am

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